Blogs from December, 2010

Plaintiffs' lead attorney, R. Tamara de Silva filed a motion in Federal Court for default against Defendants, Cook County Assessor, Joseph Berrios; Cook County Board of Review Commissioners, Larry Rogers Jr., and Brendan Houlihan; and their senior staff. The Motion charges that the Defendants have intentionally and arrogantly failed to provide required Court documents in a lawsuit charging the Board of Review, then including Assessor Berrios, with willfully and intentionally denying Plaintiffs, Satkar Hospitality, Inc., Sharad Dani and Harish Dani, a range of rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, and according to Plaintiff's Complaint, the use of the Cook County Board of Review, "as a means of unabashed self-dealing, capriciousness and corruption that is contrary to the law and above the law."

"It is apparent that the Defendants believe they are immune from having to answer a Federal Court summons a belief in immunity from the law that lays at the very heart of my clients' case." R. Tamara de Silva.
